5 Charities to Support
A great way to give presents during the holiday season is to donate to a charitable organisation. There are so many wonderful options, and each works in their own way. Here are five of the organisations I like to support:
Indigenous Literacy Foundation

ILF does great work providing books and also literacy resources to Indigenous kids, particularly in remote communities. You can donate here
Sydney Story Factory

I volunteer for Sydney Story Factory, and it is an incredible organisation. They run creative writing workshops for kids, particularly those from marginalised backgrounds. You can donate here and they will send a special card to the person you've donated for (if over $20).
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

I've been a supporter of ASRC for a number of years now. They do amazing work advocating and supporting refugees and asylum seekers. You can donate here

These guys do a lot of work advocating for Indigenous rights and fighting for justice. Some of their big campaigns have included the Sea of Hands and their current campaign is focused on overrepresentationin prisons. You can donate or buy a physical gift here
International Women Development Agency

IWDA does great work internationally helping the development of women's rights financially, legally and culturally. You can donate or buy one of their gifts of change here