Australian Picture Books: Bronwyn Bancroft

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you might remember when I kicked off a series on Australian picture books. I wrote a list of authors I wanted to showcase, wrote up my first post and shared it (Jeanie Baker).

I knew I would probably be inconsistent with posting these but here we are three and a half years later with the second post. I’ve had this one mostly drafted for a while now, and have had to change that sentence from a year later to two and half years later and now to three and half years later. I desperately need to get myself into gear so and actually post it instead of spending the next year also not doing so.

Bronwyn Bancroft is probably my favourite picture book illustrator, I unconsciously gravitate towards her books whenever I am browsing in a bookstore and if I ever have enough money I will absolutely be buying one of her pieces of artwork. I've been doing this long before I even decided to have a child.

Bronwyn Bancroft is a Bunjalung artist who has had her work exhibited both across Australia and overseas for decades, as well as having written and illustrated many books and collaborated with other authors, including Sally Morgan.

Her illustration style is bright and vibrant. I love that each page in her books feels like it could be in a gallery on its own, yet still fits into a continuous story. I particularly like her books Patterns of Australia and Colours of Australia.

She has had books published by a number of publishers, I highly recommend checking them out. You can find a list on her website as well as info on her art.