Family Reads: October - December 2024
Sharing some of what we've been reading as a family. You can also see my posts from earlier in the year, January through March and April through September.
Come Over to My House by Eliza Hull & Sally Rippin, illustrated by Daniel Barnett (BrightLight Books, HardieGrant Children's Publishing)
This is a lovely book to read aloud as a family, the illustrations are bright and engaging, and the rhythm of the story is catchy. My kid started inviting herself over to other people's houses to play after we read this book. It also provides a way for noticing the ways other families might do things differently from our own.

Reading to Baby by Margret Wild, illustrated by Hannah Sommerville (Affirm Press)
This beautifully illustrated book is such a love letter to family life. Through very simple text the story explores the different ways a family of brothers interact with their baby sister and how this expands as she grows older. Essentially this is just an exquisite book about the absolute delight of reading together.
Moomin and the Midsummer Mystery by Tove Jasson (Penguin Random House Australia)
My child is completely obsessed with the moomins, at the moment is particularly fond of the Groke, so loves her unexpected appearance in this story.
Little Book Baby by Katrina Germein and Cheryl Orsini (HarperCollins Australia)
This book is really easy to read, with a good rhythme and lots of little details in the illustrations. My kid particularly loves pointing to various book covers. I love Cheryl Orsini's illustrations, and what's not to love about a book about books? Similarly to Reading to Baby, it's a lovely vision of a family reading together.

You can see what I read each month on StoryGraph.
Disclaimer: This is a way to share a few different books we've enjoyed. I am hoping to do a similar post each month. We also read a lot of the same books over and over, so I will only be sharing books I've not posted before and that we all enjoyed. But I want to be transparent, my child also likes to insist on reading the same books repeatedly. Sometimes those books are very boring. However your family reads is great.
Other recommendations I've posted for board books include my wrap ups of our favourite books for 0-3 months, 3-6 months and 6-12 months last year.